By Angelique
Teresa Lectar:
HAIR- ::Exile:: Bring it On!: Light Browns
TOP- [whatever] female tanktop - heart attack
PANTS- [ JP ]:dsg. Sweat Pants / White / FEMALE
SHOES- ..:: Energie ::. Extreme White Chucks Bag
Eriton Daines:
HAIR- [Atro Patena] - John_Brown
SWEATER- RONSEM* Mole Sweater / black
PANTS- not so bad . mesh . VINCE jeans . blackSHOES- [ JP ]:dsg. - HighPads / gray
SKIN- the body co. Hunter II (04 Medium)
NECKLACE- Fusion Horn Cord Necklace
RINGS- +ROZOREGALIA+*Gemma*Ring&Nail/2
Angelique Juanos:
TOP - .:cheeky:. Tuffel Top! Black
VISOR - Cobrahive - Visor Caps [black]
MAKE UP- Pink Acid Skittles Lip Gloss -Orange -
SHOES- ..:: Energie ::. Champions Snakers
Nightattack Guardian:
JEANS: not so bad. mesh. MUNGO jeans. black
SHOES: SOREAL City Steps Sneakers Black
WATCH : *chronokit* watch no.37 Lancelot Black
HAIR: [CheerNo] Hair Max [Dark 3.0N]
SHAPE: -Sephora-
SKIN: Tableau
Thanks to Nightattack & Eriton for the collaboration
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